Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tips and tricks to choose Water Plants

Ornamental pond will be more beautiful when decorated ornamen. How plant them is to choose plants for ponds to be beautiful and attractive?

Water plants

Selecting plants to be placed in a pool of water, certainly should not be arbitrary. Apart from having a beautiful, selected plant also has a double benefit. If the wrong choice, then we ornamental ponds actually become tangled and dirty.

Water plants actually have a lot of benefit.In addition to beautify parks, fresh water plants are also able to maintain the cleanliness and clarity of water. Sterilization of aquatic plants are able to make healthy pond water quality, particularly for animals that live in it.

Water plants

However, regardless of the health functions, in terms of landscape, these plants become one of the decorative elements in the park, especially the pool. At present not a few are also people who find water plants for garden decoration. Uniqueness and exotic plants to add to the aesthetic value of the park.

In addition to the pool, the plant is also widely used to decorate the room. For instance in forging common ttempat like a mall or hotel. Many aquatic plants are used, water plants have a special value when on display in a dry place even with a special container, such as transparent flower pot.

Water plants

The initial step application of water plants can be started with the purchase of the seller in a polybag or took it from plant sources such life. The next step is to cut the roots and leaves that are too long or are old.

Then immersed in a pot that has been given a mud flat, after that stage enrichment.Give good fertilizer periodically to keep it healthy and lush plants and flowers diligent. If the use of chemical fertilizers, sprinkle on the water with a dose of one tablespoon at 8-10 liters of water in the pot.